Wildlife Prints

Your fine art photographic nature prints are produced on premium-quality Kodak Supra Endura photographic paper.

Depending on the size of your enlargement, you can choose from up to three paper finishes: Luster, Glossy, and Metallic.

Laminates used are designed specifically for photographs, are PH Neutral, and have a built-in UV inhibitor. These protective films are available in four finishes: Lustre, Matte, Leather, Brush.

Unless otherwise specified, fine art photographic nature prints are produced for framing with a metallic finish, leather laminate,  and without a border. Be sure to let me know if you require any exceptions to this when placing your order.

*Prices for fine art photographic wildlife prints are as follows:
20” x 30” = $245 | 16” x 24” = $179 | 14” x 21” = $149
12” x 18”  = $ 89 | 11” x 14” =  $69 | 8” x 12” = $49

Please contact me if you want to purchase fine art photographic wildlife prints, purchase a license, or if you have any questions. Also, various wall art options are now available for presenting your fine art landscape and wildlife prints.

*These are prices for the most common sizes available. There are also many oddball sizes where the prices will vary slightly. Contact me for exact pricing on these items. Dimensions are approximate. Shipping/Handling/Taxes are not included in these prices. All prices are in Canadian dollars.